
Sunday, December 26, 2010


skang pukol skang nie selalu sgt bosan..............npe aq rse bosan.....ka tye bosan aq nie...bkpe sgt die suke kuar setiap arie!!ish ish ish....kowg x kecian...sedey3.......kala aq jd gilek...kala aq jd x ley dok diam...kala aq x ley dok suke kacau owg...kala aq kaca owg....owg pggl aq koya...kala aq lgu param0re!!!!!!!!!!!!waaaa....kala aq x ley dgr lgu kaca kwn aq kat sebelah....kala die pown sumbak la....kala x aq bce jerw komik yg aq bwk dri umah....bce la aq sowg2...

kala cikgu nk mri....gabra nk simpan komik 2......huhuhuh...selame aq wat keje nie...x pernh pown terkantoi....hahaha..terer dok..hahaha....hek eleh setakat bce komik aq boley....kala kowg ckp cm 2....ade bnde lg x pernah terkantoi!! nk bwk anset....pisau...earphone...komik...kepik kuku...panadol...hahaha...boley thn.....ish2....

okay2....diesbb kn aq bosng!!!!!!!!!!!!aq melalut....haha kol 3 pg nk tido....(pilihan terakihir jiker bosang)...eck bgn nk g nikah...huhuhuh....chow!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


arinie arie khamis...mlm jumaat...kol 11:13...kebosnan thp GABAN....ckp psl gaban nie...kowg tau kerw gaban 2 perw....????GABAN 2 pown...x sbnr nyew xdek idea la..nk wat post ape....wat postman nak.....adek beradik sendman(sandman).....tpi postman nie die naik moto tau.....sendman nie plak..tererrr.....kdg2 die naik setelite 2....kdg2 die pnjt umah owg....hehehehe....ape la yg aq carot mlm2 bute nie....ish3.....sbnr nyew aq tgh mncri gmbr time kite owg(2008) pg KL...(ceti mse first crush-epilog-)nie permintaan bff aq...azry....mmg aq ade tgkap gmbr time aq g kl 2...tpi bkn gmbr aq....gmbr owg tgkp syp2.....AQ NIE STALKER!!!!!....walaumcm mne skali akn cri smpai lubang glp tok mencri gmbr 2...kala aq x cri bising la kwn aq yg sorg nie.....gmbr die peerrggghhh....BANYAK!!!aq tgkp gmbr die....bkn ape...sng sikit dh de gmbr....sng nk
jampi2....hehehehe....btw ckp psl nk sgt sebuah camera jns nie...bkn ape...dh siot....gmbr biler dh capture.....pppeeerrrgghhh.....gmbr cantek siot!!!!!!!!terrriinnnggiinn giillleeerrr aq nk camera nie!!!!!

p/s: spe2 yg kye2 2 bg jerw camera nie (dgn ikhlas) secare free....
hehehehe =P

aq mls nk mencarot jdkn nie penutop....haaaaa!!!! satu lg citer...taon dpn aq dok asrama....waaaaa!!!!nk ckp bez...bez la kowt...nk ckp disebb aq dok asrama taon dpn jrg la aq...update blog aq nie......2 mggu sekali update...kala aq ade mase....okay.....bye.....

first crush...epilog so update blog la....tgh2 mlm nie..hehehe..smbil dgr lagu syok gak....subuh 9ti sbnr nyew mls la nk tulis...entri FIRST CRUSH ag....npe...sbb dh bosan aq berpenat lelah membasah lenjunkan and then perah otk aq nie....oleh sbb 2 nie aq jd penutup tok sequel FIRST CRUSH...

mne yerw aq stop ari2....psl aq drjh 5 n then msok drjah 6...okayy...standard 6 is a new fresh become a senior at my scool....upsr....n my crush.....standard 6 la bnde plg aq rindu sekali...coz miss my BFF,friends,teacher and ???...phm2 jerw la......

time aq standard 6 still sekolah disbb kan drjh 6 ade lebey kurg 20 kebwh..terpkse la dieowg wat stu kels jerw..A dh ilang..x pernh jumpe...B plak still friend but x rpt cm dulu....okay back to our story....disebb kn kls ade stu jerw....dpt la q tgk muke2 yg pgi sekolah agame.....sbnr nyew aq mls nk g...hahaha nk wat cm ne dipkse....tpi untung...sbb pe..Crush aq pown ade...yaaaaa...hahahhah....kiteowg kt sekolah agame selalu kene usik ngan ustz yg kite owg nie berkapel but we dont....pas2 ustz nie nk kne kan kite owg...nk tau wat cm ne...die soh kite owg dok sebelah sebelah(bukan mje rpt2...jarak satu jerw la)agk rapat dlam 2 kaki atau lbey kurang dri lime nie dh la jenis malu...dlm hati nie sabor jerw la...hahaha..nk mencarot...sabor ustaz 2....hahahaha

di sbb kn it is the last year at scool nie byk gak jd pengerusi....(mcm berok aq handle) ade gak jd wakil sek agame dlm tilawah....suare aq time nk pch...phm2 jerw la kala suare nk pch...mesti bunyi angser kuar..hahahaha,...tpi aq boley la gak kontrol...suare lu x bez..sekarang boley la jugk aq wat melody sendiri...heheheh...taon 2008 adelah taon yg plig bertuah....hahaha han pown wakil tilawah bahagian pompuan....time pertandingan kite kapel..hahaha berkepit jerw...x cye suda...ckp psl result prtndingn aq kalah...hahaha sedey2....

kat sekolah rendah pown aq msok....time tggu result kuar berkepit gak ngan die...hehehe...tpi dlm group la....time 2 ngn die tukar2 num tepon...(minx nom tepon)...wah bez...kite owg mmg texting smpai abez kedit.....hahahaha....di sbb kn kite owg nie senior....byk gak aq kene perli ngan cikgu..kecoh stu bilik guru 2!!!!hahahaha teerrreeerr kan....Han nie ank ustzah time aq standard 2 n 3 so disbb 2 aq agak BAIK (baik la sgt) so ibu die x kesah la sgt ngan aq....hehehe....yg psl CIKGU 2 aq cite 9ti......

okay....time 2 Persatuan Pengawas(x tau nk pggl pe)wat la lawatn kerw ikowt...bff aq pown ikowt...sowg jerw la..yg sowg ag x ikowt...sedey...3 ari 2 ngn bff aq dok sebilik dan kite owg yg plg bertuah dan termalng knpe....kite owg bertuah sbb(x tau kala kowg pikir x bertuah hehehee =P) ustaz plg GARANG sebilik ngan kiterowg...hahahah...n termlg coz dpt dok bilik kat ground ngn ustz tergarang nie kachik(rpt)nie so baik gak ngan aq.....yg aq terkojot nyew.....han pown ikowt...BUT!!...dgn family la ibu die ustzah kat citu mesti boley ikowt kan....n itu la first time aq ngan ayah die bertemu...hahaha ayh die boley thn...hahahaha...polis booohh...time kat kl mmg bez..hahaah bkn ape...coz gi ngan friends kan...mesti la bez....tpi time kat kl aq x pernh ckp pown ngan han...hahaha ibu ngan ayah die ade...hahaha...segan la aq....

aq mse 2 dh jdi SPECIAL FRIEND die...hahaha aq x citer cm ne aq jd special 2 her coz x bez....hahaha yela2 aq cite.....time 2 die bwu blik dri KELANtan...kampong die....die bosan n hurted(hati) aq nie sebagai mangkok yg mymbot air mate die......heheheh die cite kat aq..sbb tng kn nie pndai pujok n bodek...hehehehe......n im a good listener....itu die plg suke psl aq.....2 jerw la yg aq igt.....sdr2 dh jd SPECIAL....hehehe

after 1st semester...yakni lps cuti due mggu bln 6...die byk kne kacau ngan daq drjh 6 yg lain...die nie LEO sme ngan aq...cpt mrh ape semua(bce description psl LEO)die nie nk la bg semua owg yg kacau die 2 jelez....n die gune kan aq....hahaha aq x mrh..but i love it...tpi kdg2 aq nsihat kan die(aq nie daq baik TIME 2 sekolah rendh jerw la).....die pown dgr la ckp aq...but kdg2 die x pown follow la pe yg die suruh.....ape yg suruh..SECRET x ley nk bg tau!!!!mlu aq!!!time 2 la aq rpt ngan die.....

lme kelamaan mkin rpt......after a few month later..kiter owg pown berkapel...hahaha...ramai kate kiterowg berkapel..but kiteowg NAFI kan...hahaha....

lps jerw nk dkt PERCUBAAN UPSR..kite owg fokus kan diri kite owg ke pelajaran....after dpt result....time 2 slps ari jdi dpt 5A..(ya!!!!!)...han plaak dpt 4a kala x silap aq......time tu la plg aq benci sekali nk igt......npe...kiter owg bergadoh!!!!!!!kiter owg bergadoh(sme2 pns baran)dkt hallway kelas kiteowg.........ramai daq2 tgk kiterowg bertekak......but nasib baik la kwn han tarik han sebelom...kite owg kontiniu bergadoh...silap2 aq dh LEMPANG tp2 kat muke han.....lps 2 aq pown msok kelas mls nk tgk muke die..(sbb die tgh nangis) bukan aq MALAS tpi perasaan time 2 tgh mrh so....kowg PAHAM2 jerw.......

dlm bpe mggu kiteowg x tgr....tpi yg plg aq syg die...die  nie PEMAAF..spatot nyew aq kne minx maaf...tpi aq nie kers pale........die minx pown minx nk...MENANGIS..hahaha....tpi aq still happy ngan x dpt jumpe die dh lps msok Form 1......die dok KELANTAN!!!!!!jauh bai.....

Aq still kontiniu hubungn kiterowg nie (hubungan jrk jauh) tpi mmg ramai owg kte...hubungan jarak jauh x berkesan...MEMANG AQ SETUJU....sbb ape 2009 la taon yg byk aq gadoh ngan die...n time 2 aq bergadoh ngn die smpai Nk dekat SETAON x ckp ngan @#C$ die........

smpai la taon 2010...bru aq tgr die.......tpi sekarang kite owg....DAH CLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sbb msing nk fokus kan diri kepade Pelajaran........i am still hers special friend n BFF..................

die ade la 1st dlm BFF Tree aq SECOND AZRY and THird LUTFI.........................


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

first crush...(3)

smbgn yg kedua....sbnr nyew aq nie x lah pndai nk menaip lju2 so aq tulis la cikit2..............okay yg mne ari2????okayyy.................disebb A nie dkt ngan umh dpt la die g umh han.....x tau la smpai tiap2 hari...parroookk la kala cm 2.........hahaha.......pas2 dlm tempoh beberape bulan......(mse 2 aq dh rpt gak ngan han n renggang ngan A)aq dgr yg dieowg dh pown tye la han npe dieowg clash dn jwpn x igt!!!!hahaha wat pe aq nk igt.........dieowg dh clash.....lmpu KUNING tok aq........npe lmpu kuning??!!coz yg B nie pown minat kat nini!!!!!!aq nie terkejot berookk la......hhaaiiisss....lps peluang aq!!!disbb kn B nie pown KWN aq...terpakse la aq mendiam kan diri.....prinsip aq diam..kala ade owg lain tggu dulu...dh x dek ambik!!!!!terreer x hahaha!!!!so aq nie pown wat la cm aq wat kat A...tolong si B rpt ngn han.....die hantar surat!!! syp jerw...kdg2 nk tergelak pown ad..hahahah.....satu arie B nie g la jumpe han nie...dpn sekolah...dh lh ramai owg.boleh die owg DATING....ishh2... pe nk jd la die owg...muke tembok...

slps bpe arie lps pown tye la han......what happend kan...die jwb la x dek ape2....nk tye dgn lebey lnjut mls la tye la B...ade ape2 cite ngan si DIA???!!!B syp pown pikir ade yg x kne jerw...slg bpe arie 2 x ambik cre la psl dieowg...FOCUS 4 my exam la........

lps exam 2....AQ dgr la cite tntg dieowg hahaha,...B ckp dieowg x dek pape...pown pown...fikir..npe lak...kan....lme gak aq x ckp ngn dieowg...smpai la aq drjh 6...A new year 4 kne ambk lgkh yg eeerrrmmm...gotta darling hantar mcj...hehehehe..........smbg laen kali yerw.....


yaaaaaaaaa!!!akhir nyew dpt jugak aq tambah cikit aq pye gadget..........THX alot to abang azri....hahahah kerane telah pown ajar aq  cre cre tok menambah gadget nie.......hahhah tgn die pnt aq rse menaip setiap langkah2 yg patot aq wat.......hahahaha thx alot!!!!!!!!!
yang tggi 2 bkn yg sowg g 2...(i2 bkn aq yerw.....kwn die la 2)

Monday, December 20, 2010

My favourite ........

Paramore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!antre gambr paramore yg aq dpt......
paramore is my favourite band ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i have (maybe) all paramore's songs!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

first crush...(2)

okay nie smbgn yg aq wat pg td...skrg nie dh otk aq x dek la png cm tdi....

ape ye pown tmn la si A nie g dating ngan nini.....dieowg dating nie skjp la...dieowg bkn nyew knl sgt satu sme mesti rse lain mcm after aq tmn A nie g pown tye la die...dieowg wat pe(aq x cre pown time dieowg dating..x dek feeling nk cinte2 time 2 hahaha)...A pown jwb..x dek ape just tye die dok mne..minx nom tepon..2 jerw....dlm hati aq aq ckp....hek eleh 2 jerw kerw!!!???buang mse aq jerw g tmn dieowg "DATING' nie....

after that tgk dieowg mkin rpt..hahaha timbol perasaan jealous hahahaha......(npe tibe2 aq jealous yerw???)aq pown x tau..tibe2 muncul perasaan tgk jerw dieowg jln sme2....naik la kejealousan ckp sowg2..ish x ley jadi nie!!! pown pikir sowg2..nk wat cm ne pown dpt stu idea....RAPAT NGAN DIE....haaaa..otk aq mmg brilliant...hehehehe...

disebab ari2 hari terpkse la tggu..smpai arie isnin kala nk jumpe ngan die....disebb kan kiteowg kelas sebelah2 pown tegur la mula kan dulu...Askum....ps2 die jwb...Wslm...ps2 aq bork2 ngan die...kite owg bork smbil berjln so...phm2 owg lain ckp ape kan when aq ngn die jln mcm berkepit pdhl agk jauh gak aq ngn die berdiri...tpi aq terfikir gak npe dieowg ngejek kiteowg yg kiteowg nie berkapel...heerrrmm bdaq2 nk wat cm nie agk pemalu muke pown merah hahaha...mujur la han x perasan...huuhhh lege hati aq...

A nie sbnrnyew rumah die dkt jerw rumah die ngan han die selalu gak dtg umah nie umah jauh ngan die owg xley la dtg selalu umh die owg sedey3...

aq nie mls nk taip aq smbg balik jike ad kesempatan.....bye chow lu..

first crush...

nie citer time aq sekolah rendah....dlm 3 taon lps la.....errrmmm nk mule cm ne first crush name is Nurhanini bti zulkarnain...die adelah buah hati aq smpai skang.....wwaaaa....romantik nyew,,,hehehe...i call her nini han syg..hahaha byk betol aq pggl...
sebenar nyew aq x igt cm ne aq boley berkapel ngn die....otk aq nie kecik so cpt la lupe knl die time aq umor 11...time 2 aq x rpt sgt...lps satu peristiwe dpt feel yang aq x prnh rse..prsn cinte..hahaha...kecik2 ag pndai bercinte..sial betol...sebenarnyew byk bestfriend aq dulu (sekrg nie x tgr hprk punye owg) nme die dirhsia kan...sbnr nyew ade 2 hahaha...due due kwn baik aq nie mnt kat sblm 2 x knl ag kat die...sbb kite owg x prnh sme nie nk kte sombong x tau kala owg yg lain kelas ngan aq.. aq jrg tegur org 2..trok kn aq...tpi nk wat cm ne..this is me...tpi disbb kwn aq pye psl aq tolong die...A pd mse 2 mint dkt buah hati aq disebb kn die x seklah kebangsaan ngn aq...n my crush...die minx tolong aq bg kn surat pown kwn baik aq x kn nk tolak kan!!??aq pown terima twrn tnpe upah 2 dgn rela hati.....A nie sebenar nyew bijak gak hahaha....sme cm aq...hehehe..muke pown hensem dri nie x hensem poown...eehhh hensem hensem dah2 back to our story imean my story...lps aq hntar surt tye die ape yg die 2 tulis dlm surt 2???a pown jwb..errrmmm tye ngan aq pown nk secret2???A pown jwb...eerrrrmmm aq minx nk jumpe ngn pown ape lg terkejot berok la aq...hahaha..pas2 aq tye ka nk gi jumpe die sorg2 kerw???A pown jwb.....mesti la x...ka kan pown fikir jap...x kn aq lak yg kene tmn ka??!!(kurg ajor punyer bdaq...g la sorg2 ajk aq lak!!!)....A pown jwb...ka kn kwn baik aq(tgh mengampu)so tolong la aq.... =( nie kala owg wat muke kesian kerw kuet jns x dpt pown tolong la A nie jumperw Hanini....

eck nyew kite owg jumpe la nini...nini pown bwk geng,,,,spe yg die bwk pon aq x bpe aq pown tgk jerw la muke die.....although skli tgk x cntek...tpi bg aq die special.....hahaha time 2 x dek feel pown tmn la A nie nie doq la diam2..mengelamun nie kuat mengelamun sowg2...sbb ape..sbb kala aq bosn kerw..lonely buangkan mse aq dgn wat keje nie...skrg nie kurg dah koz taon dpn PMR!!!

dah2 pnt aq menaip....9ti aq smbg kala ade word2 yg slh taip 2..phm2 jerw la mls nk dh pg nie aq nk chow....bye

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

aq rse bosan giler dok kat umah nie...aaarrrggghhh....kebosanan thp GABAn....nk kuar umh pown x leh..
pelik gak npe aq x ley kuar umah...ish3....pening aq memikirkan nyew.....npe yek....kdg2 aq naik gile time aq doq umah nie....adik2 aq 2 cam han2!!!!!!menjerit,melolong,menangis cm pontianak!!!!kalah pontianak kwn aq  tuh.....tau dpn dh dok ne yek nk explain aq punye perasaan nie aq pown x tau....nk ckp sdih aq hepi cuz aq x dok umah cm cial ni...nk ckp gembire pown x coz x leh nk on9....eeerrrmmm...entah la x dek perasaan kowt aq nie...hahahaha....keje umah bukit aq tgk after aq ltk buku 2 ats mmg nk rncg arie ckp sowg2 yg wat eck la...eck la igt nk wat jugak...tpi setan nie (nk slah kn setan plak pela aq nie trok betul) kacau aq suh aq x yah wat.....ish3  byk betol stn dok ngn aq...hahahaha...cuti nie...rse skjp jerw...bgn tido mndi mkn tuktuk...dh mlm.....time sekolah lak...bgn tido mndi smbhyg...smpai kat sekolah doa la nie  soh cpt kan waktu sekolah.....eeehhhh rse lmbt plak...plik kan????tpi disbb kn taon dpn PMR nk wat cm ne kan....kene study hard thp ATOK JIN la aq nie.....kala dok umah buku 2  x knl dah coz mlyn Laptop aq nie jerw...hahahaha result final exam ari2 hahahaha cm smpah aq rse hahahaha...mujur la mak aq x membebel byk coz die ad keje....hehehehe hurrayyy....

Emo Definition

What is emo? Well most people would consider it punk with emotion is what we would call the classification of a new rising way of feeling your inner self.

More About Emo

Close enough to punk and rock Emo is now know for it's more emotional state of mind. Instead of the anger hard-core way of expressing one-self , Emo (short for emotional) has taken a new tole on the twentith century of expressing yourself. From the music with strong emotion and feeling, unlike hard rock or this is more of an alternative way to let your feeling be known.Emo is not only a classification or a type of music it's also taken over the way one expresses themself by dressing. It includes the tighter fiting pants to the dyed-black or dark hair with it covering your face. The longer hair in front with the spikes in the back is also a more Emo- or emotional look to dressing. Emo is also being known as for the hot emo guys and emo girls kissing. From pictures all on the web to the music videos. Hot emo girl to girl and well as hot emo guy to guy is becoming more and more adventurous and more open concluding; Emo meaning being comfortable with oneself. Its a more direct way of altering the feelings one has without words, just emotion.

Some say music is not a type of music. That it is more of a fashion and a way of feeling, hence the emotional. Just recently people have been considering emo to be a genre or music.. Taking back Sunday is one of the many bands people consider to be emo.

Wondering why everyone hates emo? Not all emo people are cry babies or sucidial. Many emo kids come from families which are having serious issues whether it being money issues or what have you

What is emo to mean to you? Send us what it means to you and we will add your description.
Viewers Voice
Emo,yes it is short for emotional. But,there is more to emo then hair and looks. Emo is a state of mind. Most people,made them selves appear emo. While in reality,they have to much hope to be emo. Emo is much like goth. But,goth is Darker. Emo is more emotional,harder to fake. Yes,some emos cut themselves,but there is more than that. Emo is one of the hardest things,to explain. People hate emos,b/c they view us as suicidal,cry babies,or just week. That's NOT what emo is. Suicidal yes,at times. But,don't judge me for being emo. It's not what I chose to be. It's just what I am.

Another says....
I think emo is just another label,but my definition of it will be for real.Personally,i used to cut,but I stopped.Take it from me.It's hard to stop!I am bi,but I'm not afraid of it!People shouldn't judge us for what we do and who we are.Emo is a music genre,but also a state of mind.If you're emo,don't be afraid of it.It's just who you are!It's perfectly normal to have a sensitive side,although I'm sassy sometimes.I'm really sensitive when 90% of the time.I love being who I am,though I get bullied alot.I don't care.Well,in my opinion,emo is just how people describe over-sensitive people.I write tons of poetry,and I'm in middle school.I am not ashamed to say I like girls,ever since I was 9,I have liked girls.I can't help how I feel! But over the summer,I've changed a bit.I'm not AS sensitive,but I still am.I don't let people put me down.Emo is just about being sensitive and expressing how you feel about something.If you get suicidal thoughts,talk to someone,trust me!Don't make the mistake I did.I am a lot better off without blades.